File #: 25-080   
Status: Agenda Ready
Agenda Date: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: MOTION TO APPROVE Public Transportation Grant Agreement between Broward County and the State of Florida Department of Transportation for Financial Project No. 449603-1-94-01, to fund up to $49,737 for the construction of the Taxiway M Pavement Rehabilitation project at Broward County's North Perry Airport, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Public Transportation Grant Agreement; and authorizing the County Administrator to take any necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the Public Transportation Grant Agreement.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Taxiway M Public Transportation Grant Agreement
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting                               

Director's Name:  Mark Gale

Department:                       Aviation                                          Division: Finance



Requested Action


MOTION TO APPROVE Public Transportation Grant Agreement between Broward County and the State of Florida Department of Transportation for Financial Project No. 449603-1-94-01, to fund up to $49,737 for the construction of the Taxiway M Pavement Rehabilitation project at Broward County’s North Perry Airport, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Public Transportation Grant Agreement; and authorizing the County Administrator to take any necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the Public Transportation Grant Agreement.



Why Action is Necessary

Broward County Board of County Commissioners (“Board”) approval is required for the execution of this Public Transportation Grant Agreement (“PTGA”).


What Action Accomplishes

Allows the Broward County Aviation Department (“BCAD”) to accept grant funding from the State of Florida Department of Transportation (“FDOT”) for the construction of the Taxiway M Pavement Rehabilitation project (“Project”) at Broward County’s North Perry Airport (“HWO”).


Goal Related Icon(s)

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MAP Broward


Previous Action Taken



Summary Explanation/Background



This action allows BCAD to accept grant funding from FDOT for the construction of the Project at HWO.


Taxiway M is parallel to and north of Runway 10R-28L at HWO and is approximately 35 feet wide by 3,250 feet long. The Project will rehabilitate the taxiway and re-align taxiway connectors M1 and M3 to meet current Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) design criteria as recommended in the Airport Layout Plan. Based on the 2022 FDOT Statewide Airfield Pavement Management Program (“SAPMP”), the Pavement Condition Index (“PCI”) for Taxiway M is 63 (Fair). The minimum PCI service level for taxiways is 70, therefore, the FDOT SAPMP indicates that Taxiway M is below this level and in need of rehabilitation. The distresses observed in the SAPMP were depression, patching, longitudinal and transverse cracking, raveling, swelling, and weathering. The pavement overlay of Taxiway M will enhance overall airfield safety and operations at HWO by improving the airfield pavement and re-aligning the taxiway connectors to current FAA design standards.


The total project cost is estimated at $5,600,000, with $5,000,000 allocated for construction. To maximize federal funding opportunities, the project has been divided into two phases. The estimated construction cost for Phase I is $1,989,474, with funding contributions as follows: FDOT will provide grant funding covering 2.5% of Phase I’s construction cost, estimated at $49,737; the FAA will contribute 95%, estimated at $1,890,000; and Broward County (“County”) will cover the remaining 2.5%, estimated at $49,737, while assuming responsibility for any project cost overruns.


The Office of the County Attorney (“CAO”) requested that FDOT make certain modifications to a pass-through indemnification provision in the PTGA, but FDOT declined, contending that the indemnification provision is legally sufficient. BCAD desires to move forward with this PTGA to obtain grant funding for the Project. The CAO will work with BCAD to modify the relevant third-party construction or design agreements, as applicable, to comply with the PTGA and mitigate any potential risk associated with the pass-through indemnification provision in the PTGA.


The proposed PTGA has been reviewed by the CAO. The PTGA does not include the County's standard Agreement provisions as FDOT requires the County to use its form agreement.


Source of Additional Information

Mark E. Gale, A.A.E., CEO/Director, Aviation Department, (954) 359-6199


Fiscal Impact

Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary

This grant is budgeted in the Aviation Department’s HWO Capital Fund, 40550.