File #: 24-1282   
Status: Agenda Ready
Agenda Date: 10/8/2024 Final action: 10/8/2024
Title: MOTION TO APPROVE First Amendment to the Public Transportation Grant Agreement between Broward County and the State of Florida Department of Transportation for Financial Project No. 451506-1-94-01, increasing the total construction cost of the Mitigate Hot Spot 3: Reconfigure Apron Entrance Taxilanes South of Taxiway L project at Broward County's North Perry Airport to $1,424,820, and increasing the grant funding total maximum contribution up to $71,241, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the First Amendment; and authorizing the County Administrator to take any necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the First Amendment.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Mitigate Hotspot 3 Public Transportation Grant Agreement
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting                               

Director's Name:  Mark Gale

Department:                       Aviation                                          Division: Finance



Requested Action


MOTION TO APPROVE First Amendment to the Public Transportation Grant Agreement between Broward County and the State of Florida Department of Transportation for Financial Project No. 451506-1-94-01, increasing the total construction cost of the Mitigate Hot Spot 3: Reconfigure Apron Entrance Taxilanes South of Taxiway L project at Broward County’s North Perry Airport to $1,424,820, and increasing the grant funding total maximum contribution up to $71,241, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the First Amendment; and authorizing the County Administrator to take any necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the First Amendment.



Why Action is Necessary

Broward County Board of County Commissioners (“Board”) approval is required for the execution of this First Amendment to the Public Transportation Grant Agreement (“PTGA”).


What Action Accomplishes

Allows the Broward County Aviation Department (“BCAD”) to accept additional grant funding from the State of Florida Department of Transportation (“FDOT”) for the construction of the Mitigate Hot Spot 3: Reconfigure Apron Entrance Taxilanes South of Taxiway L project at Broward County’s North Perry Airport (“HWO”).


Goal Related Icon(s)

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Previous Action Taken



Summary Explanation/Background



This action allows BCAD to accept additional grant funding from FDOT for the construction of the Mitigate Hot Spot 3: Reconfigure Apron Entrance Taxilanes South of Taxiway L project (“Project”) Project at HWO.


On March 07, 2024 (Item No. 3), the Board approved the PTGA between Broward County (“County”) and FDOT for Financial Project No. 451506-1-94-01 at HWO. At that time, the total construction cost of the Project (“Construction Cost”) was estimated to be $1,060,000. FDOT committed to 5% participation of the total Construction Cost, estimated to be $53,000, the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) committed to 90% participation of the total Construction Cost, estimated to be $954,000 and the County was required to fund the remaining 5% of the total Construction Cost, estimated to be $53,000, while covering any Project cost overruns.


The Project includes a reconfiguration of three connector taxilanes between Taxiway L and the south aircraft parking apron at HWO. The reconfiguration of the three connector taxilanes will eliminate the direct access from the ramp to the runway, thereby reducing the occurrence of an unauthorized runway incursion. These airfield modifications are necessary to comply with current FAA design standards and were identified in the HWO Master Plan Update.


Project work will involve constructing temporary haul roads from the contractor staging area to the work site, surveying, pavement demolition, new asphalt pavement, installing new Light Emitting Diode (“LED”) airfield lighting and guidance signage, sodding, and pavement striping, as well as consultant construction support services for inspections, materials testing, and administrative support services. Since the execution of the original PTGA, the Project’s cost has increased based on the bids that were received as well as the inclusion of construction administration and inspection services provided by Project consultants, increasing the total Construction Cost to $1,424,820.


This action approves the proposed First Amendment to the PTGA to increase FDOT’s share by $18,241 to a maximum contribution of $71,241. BCAD anticipates that the FAA will increase its share in the estimated amount of $328,338, to a maximum contribution of $1,282,338 and the County will be required to increase its match by $18,241, while covering any Project cost overruns.


The proposed First Amendment to the PTGA has been reviewed by the Office of the County Attorney. The First Amendment to the PTGA does not include the County's standard agreement provisions as FDOT requires the County to use its form amendment.


Source of Additional Information

Mark E. Gale, A.A.E., CEO/Director, Aviation Department, (954) 359-6199


Fiscal Impact

Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary

The Project is budgeted in the Aviation Department's HWO Capital Fund, 40550.