Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Steve Geller
Department: County Commission
Requested Action
MOTION TO APPROVE Municipal Cultural Grant Program (“Program”) allocating up to $50,000 in each County Commissioner’s budget to provide funding, at each Commissioner’s direction, to municipalities within Broward County for cultural programming and activities pursuant to an agreement between the County and the applicable municipality; direct the County Attorney’s Office to develop a form of agreement for the Program, consistent with the parameters provided below; authorize the County Administrator to execute such agreements, subject to approval as to legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office; and authorize the County Administrator to take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions. (Commissioner Geller)
Why Action is Necessary
Board action is required to approve the Program.
What Action Accomplishes
Authorizes the creation of the Program.
Goal Related Icon(s)
☐County Commission
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☐MAP Broward
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
This item proposes to create a Municipal Cultural Grant Program that would allocate $50,000 to each County Commissioner’s budget that the County Commissioner may allocate to one or more municipalities within Broward County to be used for cultural programming or activities. Any municipality receiving funding would be required to enter into an agreement with the County governing the use of the funds. The agreement will (i) specify the cultural activity funded by the Program; (ii) establish a timeline for the expenditure of funds; (iii) require that the municipality have used its standard procurement processes for any goods and services paid with Program funds; (iv) require that the municipality provide detailed reporting on how the funds were spent; (v) ensure County branding is included in promotional materials and is displayed at events; and (vi) contain the County’s standard auditing language.
The item directs the County Attorney’s Office to develop a form of agreement based on the criteria listed above and authorizes the County Administrator to execute agreements for the Program subject to review as to legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office.
Source of Additional Information
Jacqueline Garcia-Arteaga, Chief of Staff, 954-357-7005
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
$450,000 from County Commission Reserves.