Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Norman Foster
Department: Office of Management and Budget
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution transferring funds within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for the Broward Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $70,961 for the purpose of providing funds for the Organized Crime Task Force.
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration is based on the item as amended by the Additional Material submitted by Office of Management and Budget.)
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2024-453 as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material, dated October 8, 2024, submitted at the request of Office of Management and Budget.
VOTE: 9-0.
B. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution transferring funds within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for the Broward Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $391,009 for the purpose of providing funds for the Narcotics Interdiction Task Force.
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration is based on the item as amended by the Additional Material submitted by Office of Management and Budget.)
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2024-454 as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material, dated October 8, 2024, submitted at the request of Office of Management and Budget.
VOTE: 9-0.
C. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution transferring funds within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for the Broward Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $155,000 for the purpose of providing funds for the Narcotics Detection Dog Program.
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration is based on the item as amended by the Additional Material submitted by Office of Management and Budget.)
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2024-455 as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material, dated October 8, 2024, submitted at the request of Office of Management and Budget.
VOTE: 9-0.
D. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution transferring funds within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for the Broward Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $1,260,000 for the purpose of providing funds for the Money Laundering Task Force.
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration is based on the item as amended by the Additional Material submitted by Office of Management and Budget.)
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2024-456 as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material, dated October 8, 2024, submitted at the request of Office of Management and Budget.
VOTE: 9-0.
E. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution transferring funds within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for the Broward Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $215,411 for the purpose of providing funds for the Broward County Drug Task Force.
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration is based on the item as amended by the Additional Material submitted by Office of Management and Budget.)
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2024-457 as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material, dated October 8, 2024, submitted at the request of Office of Management and Budget.
VOTE: 9-0.
F. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution transferring funds within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for the Broward Sheriff’s Office in the amount of $261,742 for the purpose of providing funds for the Gang Investigative Task Force.
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration is based on the item as amended by the Additional Material submitted by Office of Management and Budget.)
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2024-458 as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material, dated October 8, 2024, submitted at the request of Office of Management and Budget.
VOTE: 9-0.
Why Action is Necessary
Florida Statutes 932.7055(5)(a) requires that proceeds from the disposition of liens and forfeited property obtained from criminal procedure and corrections be deposited in a special law enforcement trust fund to be used for law enforcement purposes. Recommendation of the Sheriff and Board approval are required to appropriate LETF funds.
What Action Accomplishes
A. Provides LETF funding in the amount of $70,961 for the Organized Crime Task Force.
B. Provides LETF funding in the amount of $391,009 for the Narcotics Interdiction Task Force.
C. Provides LETF funding in the amount of $155,000 for the Narcotics Detection Dog Program.
D. Provides LETF funding in the amount of $1,260,000 for the Money Laundering Task Force.
E. Provides LETF funding in the amount of $261,742 for the Gang Investigative Task Force.
F. Provides LETF funding in the amount of $202,707 for the Broward County Drug Task Force.
Goal Related Icon(s)
☐County Commission
☐Go Green
☐MAP Broward
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
A. The Broward Sheriff's Office supports this LETF request for the Organized Crime Task Force. The Broward Sheriff's Office administers the Organized Crime Task Force account for the members of the task force. This agreement has been in place as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which BSO is an active member, along with the other cities that participate. The task force MOU stipulates that 20% of the assets seized are returned to the task force to cover the operational and administrative costs. The Organized Crime Task Force investigates traditional and non-traditional organized crime groups operating in the South Florida area. Any illegitimate proceeds or assets gained by these organizations through criminal activity will be targeted for seizure by the task force.
B. The Broward Sheriff’s Office supports this LETF request for the Narcotics Interdiction Task Force. The Broward Sheriff's Office administers the Narcotics Interdiction Task Force accounts for task force members. This agreement has been in place as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), of which BSO is an active member, along with the other cities that participate. The task force MOU stipulates that 20% of the assets seized are returned to the task force to cover the operational and administrative costs. Because this is a tenured task force, many seizures, both State and Federal, are pending forfeiture. This Task Force has existed for over 31 years. Numerous arrests have been made, and millions of dollars have been seized, with some already placed into the BSO/Law Enforcement Trust Fund as a direct result of the Tasks Force's efforts.
C. The Broward Sheriff’s Office supports this LETF request for the Narcotics Detection Dog Program. The Narcotics Detection Canine Program's responsibilities is to assist the Broward Sheriff’s Office Department of Law Enforcement. Department of Detention, local municipalities, state, and federal agencies with investigations relating to narcotics, currency, and firearms within Broward County. This program will continue to assist law enforcement with establishing probable cause and locating evidence that may be concealed, which is necessary to prosecute an arrest or investigation successfully.
D. The Broward Sheriff's Office supports this LETF request for the Money Laundering Task Force. The Broward Sheriff's Office administers the Money Laundering Task Force (BCMLTF) account for the members of the task force. This agreement has been in place as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which BSO is an active member. along with the other cities that participate. The BCML TF MOU stipulates that 20% of the assets seized are returned to the task force to cover the operational and administrative costs. The Broward County Money Laundering Task Force works criminal cases which involve money laundering in the South Florida area. The Task Force targets criminal organizations committing illegal acts and makes arrests and seizes assets associated with their criminal activity.
E. The Broward Sheriff's Office supports this LETF request for the Gang Investigative Task Force Program. The Broward County Sheriff's Office administers the Gang Investigations Task Force account for the members of the task force. This agreement has been in place as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which BSO is an active member along with other cities that participate. The task force MOU stipulates that 30% of the assets seized are returned to the task force to cover operational and administrative costs. The Gang Investigations Task Force conducts investigations into the criminal gang organizations in the South Florida area. Any illegitimate proceeds or assets gained by these organizations through criminal activity will be targeted for seizure by the task force.
F. The Broward Sheriff's Office supports this LETF request for the Broward County Drug Task Force. The Broward Sheriff's Office administers the Broward County Drug Task Force account for the members of the task force. This agreement has been in place as a result of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which BSO is an active member, along with the other cities that participate. The task force MOU stipulates that 20% of the assets seized are returned to the task force to cover the operational and administrative costs. The Broward County Drug Task Force works criminal cases and drug trafficking organizations in the South Florida area. The Task Force targets criminal organizations committing illegal acts, makes arrests and seizes assets associated with their criminal activity.
Source of Additional Information
Norman Foster, Director, Office of Management and Budget, (954) 357-6346
Colonel Oscar Llerena, BSO Department of Administration, (954) 831-8180
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
Funds are available within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund for these actions. According to BSO, the current balance of the LETF, as of September 5, 2024, is $6,069,425 in the local account ($4,022,045 of which is unrestricted) and $14,597,608 in the federal account ($8,143,854 of which is unrestricted). This action will utilize a total of $1,047,409 of the Local LETF, all of which will be from the restricted local funds. It will also utilize a total of $1,293,740 of the Federal LETF, of which $155,000 will be from unrestricted funds and $1,138,740 will be from the restricted federal funds.