Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Stephen Farmer
Department: Finance and Administrative Services Division: Purchasing
Requested Action
MOTION TO APPROVE Technology Agreement between Broward County and Cantata Health Solutions, LLC (Cantata), for Electronic Health Records Solution, Request for Proposal (RFP) No. TEC2125292P1, for the Broward Addiction Recovery Division, in a maximum not-to-exceed amount of $3,300,000, which includes $1,200,000 for subscription fees, $300,000 for implementation and training services, and $300,000 for optional services for the initial term, and authorize the Director of Purchasing to renew the Agreement for up to five one-year terms for a total not-to-exceed amount of $1,500,000 in subscription fees for all extension terms; and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute same.
Why Action is Necessary
In accordance with Broward County Procurement Code Section 21.47, Award and Execution Authority, Board approval is required for awards with a value of more than $500,000, inclusive of the value of any renewals or extensions provided for in the contract, that include a single bidder, rejection of apparent low bidder, protested award, or pulls from the Board regarding the intended award; and Section 21.53, Duration of Contracts, the Board is required to approve all contracts of more than five years.
What Action Accomplishes
Provides for the implementation of an Electronic Health Records Solution for the Broward Addiction Recovery Division.
Goal Related Icon(s)
☐County Commission
☐Go Green
☐MAP Broward
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
The Office of Economic and Small Business Development (OESBD) determined that no County Business Enterprise (CBE) participation goal should apply to this solicitation based on its review of the products and services requested and availability of CBE firms to perform the services.
Broward County Code of Ordinances Section 1-81.3(a), CBE goals and reserves, provides for the setting of a CBE goal of at least 25% unless the Board or the County Administrator (under limited circumstances) approves a different goal or no goal based upon a written determination by the Director of the Office of Economic and Small Business Development (OESBD). The Board’s approval of this item will result in no CBE goal being set for the applicable agreement consistent with the written determination provided by the Director of OESBD (Exhibit 2).
The purpose of this agreement with Cantata Health Solutions, LLC (Cantata), a qualified firm, is to provide an industry leading Electronic Health Records Solution that steers processes, services, and operations in a manner that enhances quality and efficiency, rather than replicating current processes. The goal is to acquire a solution which promotes industry standard best practices to support contract critical business functions, including administration, clinical treatment, case management, assessments, care plans, client portal and billing support of case management, outpatient, residential and detox programs (Exhibit 1).
The RFP was advertised on March 8, 2024, and, at the time of the submittal deadline on April 18, 2024, ten firms submitted proposals: Accumedic Computer Systems, Inc. (Accumedic); Altera Digital Health, Inc. (Altera); Cantata Health Solutions, LLC (Cantata); Data Systems Integration Group, Inc. (Data Systems); E*, Inc. (E*HealthLine); Integrated Software Solutions, Corp. (Integrated Software); Kipu Systems, LLC (Kipu); Motion Reboot, LLC d/b/a Doctors In Tech (Motion Reboot); Netsmart Technologies, Inc. (Netsmart); and NextGen Healthcare, Inc. (NextGen).
On July 23, 2024, an Initial Evaluation Committee (EC) meeting was held. During the EC meeting, the EC passed a motion that determined Altera, Cantata, Kipu, Netsmart, and NextGen as responsive and responsible to the solicitation requirements to advance to the Final EC meeting for presentations, and to be numerically scored and ranked by the EC (Exhibit 3).
On July 30, 2024, a demonstration meeting was held. Five firms demonstrated their solution to the County: Altera, Cantata, Kipu, Netsmart, and NextGen.
On August 14, 2024, a Final EC meeting was held. After presentations, evaluation, scoring, and ranking, the EC named Cantata as the first-ranked firm.
The EC’s proposed recommendation of ranking was posted on the Purchasing Division website from August 19 - 22, 2024, which provided an opportunity for any aggrieved proposer to file an objection.
On August 19, 2024, the Director of Purchasing received a timely filed objection letter from Netsmart Technologies, Inc. The objection letter claimed that 1) Only 18 of the 37 items in the functionality checklist were presented at demonstration; 2) The limited agenda and time constraints of the 30-minute vendor demonstration conducted on July 30, 2024; 3) Certain functionality items included in the BARD RFP requirements were not included in the demonstration agenda; 4) Netsmart being asked about eMAR; 5) Netsmart being asked about Incident Tracking; and 6) The information provided by the top scoring vendor (Cantata) allegedly not complying with the requirement of the RFP for vendor references (Exhibit 4).
On September 6, 2024, the Director of Purchasing issued a response to Netsmart Technologies, Inc., stating that after review of the procurement records and proceedings of the EC, and in consultation with the Office of the County Attorney, the issues raised in the objection were not of sufficient merit to recall or otherwise alter the recommendation of the EC.
The evaluation of firms was conducted appropriately and within established requirements, guidelines, practices, and procedures set forth in the Broward County Procurement Code, County Ordinances, and existing written guidelines of the Purchasing Division. As such, the objection was denied (Exhibit 5).
The EC’s final recommendation of ranking was posted on the Purchasing Division website from September 9 - 13, 2024, which provided an opportunity for any aggrieved proposer to file a formal protest. No formal protest was received.
On October 22, 2024 (Item No. 58), the Board approved the final ranking of qualified firms for RFP No. TEC2125292P1, BARD Electronic Health Records Solution, and allowed staff to proceed with negotiations.
Five negotiation meetings were held to negotiate the Agreement with Cantata: November 13; November 20; November 26; December 19; and December 30, 2024. These meetings were attended by representatives from Cantata, the Broward Addiction Recovery Division, the Human Services Department, the County Attorney’s Office, and the Purchasing Division.
Additional supporting documentation provided to the EC regarding this procurement can be found on the Purchasing Division website at <>.
The initial term of the agreement will be effective upon date of execution and will terminate five years from that date.
Source of Additional Information
Robert E. Gleason, Director, Purchasing Division, 954-357-6070
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
The source of funding for this open-end contract is the County’s General Funds in the amount of $3,300,000. The funds for this open-end contract are included in the current modified Fiscal Year budget.
Requisition No. ARC0003247