Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Monica Cepero
Department: County Administration Division: Cultural Division
Requested Action
MOTION TO FILE semi-annual grant report for the Fiscal Year 2025 and the closing of the Fiscal Year 2024 grant award cycle in accordance with Section 29.17.(g) of the Broward County Administrative Code relating to the Cultural Division’s cultural grant agreements.
Why Action is Necessary
Pursuant to Section 29.17.(g) of the Broward County Administrative Code (“Administrative Code”), a semi-annual report shall be filed with the Broward County Board of County Commissioners (“Board”) no later than August 31 and February 28 of each year.
What Action Accomplishes
Provides for the filing of the semi-annual grant report as required by Section 29.17.(g) of the Broward County Administrative Code.
Goal Related Icon(s)
☒County Commission
☐Go Green
☐MAP Broward
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
This item supports the Board's Healthy Community Goal of cultivating community culture, arts, recreation, and life-long learning.
Exhibit 1 is a report of the funding activity through December 31, 2024, of each grant award for Fiscal Year 2025, and the closing of the Fiscal Year 2024 grant award cycle. The report includes all awards that have been approved, the agreements that have been executed, the execution date of each agreement, the amount for which each agreement was executed, and expenditures for the semi-annual period.
Pursuant to Section 29.17. (d) and (e) of the Administrative Code, the Director of the Broward County Cultural Division and the County Administrator are authorized to approve and execute agreements for the following grant program categories: General Operating Support (GOS); Program Support (PS) (organizations and artists); Cultural and Artistic Facilities ("C&A Facilities") Capital Support, and Sponsorships, subject to certain monetary limits.
On October 22, 2024, the Board adopted Resolution No. 24-1352, Item 46, a motion to approve and authorize funding for the Fiscal Year 2025 General Operating Support Grant awards to the Museum of Discovery and Science, Inc., in the amount of $306,500; and Nova Southeastern University, Inc., on behalf of its Museum of Art Division, in the amount of $252,634 for a one-year contract term beginning October 1, 2024.
Pursuant to Section 29.17.(g) of the Administrative Code, each semiannual report shall include the following: the Grant Awards and Sponsorships approved during the reported period and, for each such Grant Award or Sponsorship, the approving authority, and the final approved amount; the execution dates for all agreements for Grant Awards and Sponsorships executed during the reporting period; for each Grant Award and Sponsorship, the amount paid to date; and for the Division, the total amount paid during the reported period. The semi-annual grant report shall be filed by the Division with the Board no later than February 28 of each year.
Source of Additional Information
Phillip Dunlap, Director, Cultural Division, (954) 357-7456.
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
No additional fiscal impact.