Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: George Tablack
Department: Finance and Administrative Services Division: Purchasing
Requested Action
MOTION TO APPROVE Agreement between Broward County and HBC Engineering Company, for Consultant Services for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for West Hillsboro Boulevard Bike Lanes and Lighting Improvements Project, Request for Proposals (RFP) No. TRN2126825P1, for the Public Works Department, in the maximum not-to-exceed amount of $1,174,090, which includes $100,000 for optional services and $138,512 for reimbursable expenses, and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute same. (Commission District 3)
Why Action is Necessary
In accordance with the Broward County Procurement Code, Section 21.47, Award and Execution Authority, Board approval is required for awards with a value of more than $500,000, inclusive of the value of any renewals or extensions provided for in the contract, that include a single bidder, rejection of apparent low bidder, protested award, or pulls from the Board regarding the intended award.
What Action Accomplishes
Provides construction engineering and inspection professional services and technical support services related to the construction of West Hillsboro Boulevard bike lane and lighting from east of Parkside Drive to State Road 7.
Goal Related Icon(s)
☒County Commission
☐Go Green
☒MAP Broward
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
This item supports the Board’s Connected Community Goal, “Cooperatively delivering an efficient and accessible regional intermodal transportation network.”
The Office of Economic and Small Business Development (OESBD) established a County Business Enterprises (CBE) goal of 30% for this contract. HBC Engineering Company (HBC) committed to 62% CBE participation, which has been reviewed and approved by OESBD (Exhibit 2). The OESBD determined that this contract is not subject to the Workforce Investment Program.
The purpose of this Agreement with HBC, a qualified consulting engineering and inspection firm, is to provide construction engineering and inspection (CEI) professional services and technical support services related to the construction of West Hillsboro Boulevard bike lane and lighting from east of Parkside Drive to State Road 7. The CEI services will include, but are not limited to, monitoring the construction of the following items: a roundabout at NW 64th Terrace and West Hillsboro Boulevard intersection, sidewalk repair/reconstruction, ADA improvements, milling and resurfacing of existing roadway, signing and pavement markings, and landscaping (Exhibit 1).
The RFP was advertised on September 7, 2023, and, at the time of the submittal deadline on October 9, 2023, ten firms submitted proposals: AE Engineering, Inc.; Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc.; CDR Maguire, Inc.; CHA Consulting, Inc.; CIMA Engineering, Corp.; EAC Consulting, Inc.; HBC; Metric Engineering, Inc.; Rummel Klepper & Kahl, LLP; and Solid Consulting Engineers, Inc.
On December 1, 2023, an Initial Evaluation Committee (EC) meeting was held. During the EC meeting, the EC passed a motion that determined that all ten firms were responsive and responsible to the RFP requirements. In accordance with Broward County Procurement Code Section 21.44, Procedures for CCNA Services, whenever a CCNA procurement is conducted through a RFP, RLI, or RFQ, the EC shall establish a “shortlist” of vendors for further consideration of award of the solicitation, unless the Director of Purchasing determines that shortlisting would not be in the best interest of the County. During the Initial EC meeting, the EC passed a motion to shortlist four firms of the ten vendor responses that would advance to the Final EC meeting for presentations, and to be numerically scored and ranked by the EC.
On December 11, 2023, a Final EC meeting was held. The EC determined that the four shortlisted firms were to be evaluated as responsive and responsible to the RFP requirements and would move forward to the Final Evaluation to be numerically scored and ranked by the EC. After presentations, evaluation, scoring, and ranking, the EC named HBC as the first-ranked firm.
The EC’s proposed recommendation of ranking was posted on the Purchasing Division website from December 14 - 19, 2023, which provided an opportunity for any proposer or interested party to present any new or additional information regarding the responsibility of the proposers. There was no additional information submitted within this timeframe.
The EC’s final recommendation of ranking was posted on the Purchasing Division website from December 20 - 27, 2023, which provided an opportunity for any aggrieved proposer to file a formal protest. No formal protest was received.
On December 28, 2023, in accordance with Procurement Code Section 21.42(k), Procedures for RFPs, RLIs, and RFQs, the ranking of the qualified firms became final, and staff proceeded with negotiations.
One negotiation meeting was held March 8, 2024 to negotiate the Agreement with HBC. The negotiation meeting was attended by representatives from HBC, the Highway Construction and Engineering Division, the County Attorney’s Office, and the Purchasing Division.
Additional supporting documentation provided to the EC regarding this procurement can be found on the Purchasing Division website at <>.
All dollar amounts referenced in this agenda item have been rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
The term of this agreement is 20 months, effective upon issuance of Notice to Proceed.
Source of Additional Information
Robert E. Gleason, Director, Purchasing Division, 954-357-6070
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
The source of funding for this fixed contract is in the Transportation Surtax Fund in the amount of $1,174,090 for the West Hillsboro Boulevard Bike Lanes and Lighting Improvements Project. The funds for this fixed contract are included in the current modified Fiscal Year budget.
Requisition No. HCN0000832