Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Monica Cepero
Department: County Administration Division: Parks & Recreation
Requested Action
MOTION TO AUTHORIZE County Administrator to negotiate and execute an agreement with Worldwide Sports Management Group, LLC (“Worldwide”), subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office, to confirm the June 13, 2024, expiration of the prior agreement for the promotion and management of cricket events at Central Broward Regional Park, with mutual releases to document there are no remaining claims or additional amounts due by either party. (Commission District 9)
Why Action is Necessary
Board approval is required to release claims in excess of $100,000, if litigated.
What Action Accomplishes
Authorizes the County Administrator to negotiate and execute an agreement with Worldwide, subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office, to confirm the expiration of the prior agreement with mutual releases to document there are no remaining claims or additional amounts due by either party.
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Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
On June 14, 2017 (Item No. 73), County and Worldwide Sports Management Group, LLC (“Worldwide”), entered into an agreement (including as amended, the “Agreement”) for the promotion and management of International Cricket Events and Major Cricket Events at Central Broward Regional Park. The Agreement expired on June 13, 2024. During this eight-year partnership, the County and Worldwide hosted many successful professional cricket events, including the 2024 T20 Men’s World Cup, and successfully maintained operations following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Director of Parks and Recreation provided a notice to Worldwide on August 8, 2024, explaining that the Agreement had expired and was no longer in effect. In response, Worldwide stated, in a letter dated September 16, 2024, that Worldwide concurred that the Agreement expired by its terms on June 13, 2024. This item would authorize the County Administrator to negotiate and execute an agreement to confirm the conclusion of the Agreement with mutual releases of any outstanding claims by both parties (including as to any damages the County could have claimed regarding repair to certain capital improvements), subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office.
Source of Additional Information
Dan West, Director, Parks and Recreation Division, (954) 357-8106
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary