Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Leonard Vialpando
Department: Resilient Environment Division: Natural Resources Division
Requested Action
MOTION TO TERMINATE FOR CONVENIENCE Agreement No. GEN2121746P1 dated June 14, 2022, between Broward County and Upscale Events by Mosaic, Inc. for consultant services for water conservation outreach and communications and authorize the Director of the Natural Resources Division, as Contract Administrator, to execute and issue the required 30-day written notice of termination for convenience.
Why Action is Necessary
Section 9.1 of the Agreement requires action by the Board of County Commissioners (“Commission”) to terminate the Agreement for convenience.
What Action Accomplishes
This action authorizes the termination for convenience for the Agreement with Upscale Events by Mosaic, Inc. for consultant services for water conservation outreach and communications.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
June 14, 2022, Regular Meeting (Item No. 60)
Summary Explanation/Background
On June 14, 2022, (Item No. 60) the Commission authorized the County Administrator to execute the Agreement with Upscale Events by Mosaic, Inc. for consultant services for water conservation outreach and communications. The Agreement included the initial term of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2027.
The purpose of the Agreement was to provide services for the communications element of the County-wide Water Conservation Program, reinforce Program identity through unique and engaging branding; provide improved participation in broader water conservation strategies through program messaging and communications tools; maximize community use of rebates and incentives through effective program promotions and coordinated communications; and combine the purchase power of the Partners and leverage Program dollars to achieve expanded media buys and county-wide conservation goals.
Termination for convenience is requested based on an in-house evaluation that services could be conducted more efficiently and effectively in-house.
Termination of the Agreement will not impact service to our Broward Water Partners. The budgeted funds under this Agreement will be repurposed to ensure delivery of agreed upon goals with partner municipalities, at no additional cost to the County. Additional evaluations after termination of the Agreement may require smaller pieces of the scope of work to be provided by the County’s catalog of professional services or through a procurement with narrow focus.
This Motion, if approved, would authorize the Director of the Natural Resources Division, as Contract Administrator, to provide the required 30-day written notice of termination for convenience of the Agreement to the vendor and end the County’s financial obligations to the vendor as of the effective date of the termination.
Source of Additional Information
Monica Pognon, Director, Natural Resources Division, (954) 519-1476.
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
No fiscal impact. Funds are budgeted in the Natural Resources Division’s operating budgets.