Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Norman Foster
Department: Office of Management and Budget
Requested Action
MOTION TO ADOPT supplemental budget Resolutions within the Enterprise Funds in the amount of $30,619,501 primarily to appropriate funds for prior year commitments and to provide additional funding for other programs.
Why Action is Necessary
Supplemental budgets are required whenever existing revenue sources are increased or decreased, resulting in a change to the total appropriation of a fund.
What Action Accomplishes
The primary purpose of this supplemental budget is to appropriate funds for prior year commitments. This budget amendment also includes a number of proposed new appropriations to address issues that have arisen since the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget.
Goal Related Icon(s)
☐County Commission
☐Go Green
☐MAP Broward
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
Staff typically presents three supplemental budget amendments per year to the Board. The purpose of the first supplemental budget amendment is primarily to appropriate funds for specific non-recurring items, which were unexpended at the end of the previous Fiscal Year. This budget amendment also includes a limited number of proposed new appropriations to address issues that have arisen since the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025 budget. The new appropriations are highlighted individually.
FLL OPERATING FUND (40100) - $0 - Funds are transferred from reserve to cover costs for the EMAS Sealant maintenance and repairs ($1,200,000), not anticipated in the Fiscal Year 2025 Adopted Budget.
FLL CAPITAL FUND (40350) - $27,000,000 - A transfer from the Transportation Surtax Fund is appropriated to the Intermodal Center Project (IMC) ($10,000,000) and the Automated People Mover (APM) Circulator project ($17,000,000), representing a 50% match per the grant requirement for the APM.
FLL CAPITAL FUND (40450) - <$150,000> - Funds are reduced for the EMAS Joint Sealant & Testing project and revenues are reduced accordingly.
FLL CAPITAL FUND (40550) - $595,458 - Funds are appropriated for additional costs to cover construction costs associated with the Mitigation of Hot Spot 3 at the Apron Entrance. Additionally, funds are appropriated to cover the design portion of the South Apron Pavement Rehabilitation. Revenues are adjusted accordingly to reflect anticipated funding sources for those projects.
PORT EVERGLADES CAPITAL FUND (42250) - $0 - Revenues are adjusted to reflect anticipated funding sources for those projects supported by grants and budget is transferred from reserve for the West Lake Mitigation project due to construction cost increases.
WATER AND WASTEWATER OPERATING FUND (44100) - $2,735,510 - Fund balance is appropriated to continue prior year commitments, including capital equipment, vehicles, repairs and maintenance, and professional services.
SOLID WASTE FUND (47100) - $438,533 - Fund balance is appropriated for prior year commitments to continue the building improvements at the South Residential Drop-Off Center.
Source of Additional Information
Norman Foster, Director, Office of Management and Budget, (954) 357-6346
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
The fiscal impact is detailed above in the Summary Explanation/Background section of the agenda item.