File #: 24-387   
Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Public Works - Real Property and Real Estate Development Division
Agenda Date: 4/16/2024 Final action: 4/16/2024
Title: MOTION TO APPROVE Revocable License Agreement between Broward County and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the nonexclusive access and use of County-owned property located within the City of Hollywood for use as a staging area for the construction of two pump stations at State Road A1A; and authorize Mayor and Clerk to execute same. (Commission District 6)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Revocable License Agreement, 2. Exhibit 2 - Property Datasheet - 514212020010, 3. Exhibit 3 - Property Datasheet - 514201026130
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting                               

Director's Name:  Trevor M. A. Fisher

Department:                       Public Works                     Division: Real Property and Real Estate Development



Requested Action


MOTION TO APPROVE Revocable License Agreement between Broward County and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the nonexclusive access and use of County-owned property located within the City of Hollywood for use as a staging area for the construction of two pump stations at State Road A1A; and authorize Mayor and Clerk to execute same. (Commission District 6)



Why Action is Necessary

Board of County Commissioners’ approval is required for revocable license agreements.


What Action Accomplishes

Grants FDOT nonexclusive access and use of County-owned property for FDOT's use as a staging area for the construction of stormwater utility infrastructure on adjacent property.


Goal Related Icon(s)

County Commission

Go Green

MAP Broward


Previous Action Taken



Summary Explanation/Background



FDOT is planning to construct stormwater drainage improvements along State Road A1A in the City of Hollywood, mainly to install two pump stations to alleviate flooding in the area due to heavy rain (“FDOT Construction”). The planned improvements will be constructed within the State Road A1A right-of-way limits adjacent to Hollywood North Beach Park, within the City of Hollywood at State Road A1A from Franklin Street to Walnut Street (FDOT FM No. 448576-1-52-02) and from Sherman Street to State Road 822/Sheridan Street (FDOT FM No. 448574-1-52-02). Construction of the pump stations will require adjacent areas within the County-owned Hollywood North Beach Park to be used for staging of equipment and materials. FDOT stated that the staging area will be fenced off during the construction, and the public’s use of the park will not be impacted.


This item seeks Board approval of a Revocable License Agreement ("Agreement") between Broward County (“County”) and FDOT, providing FDOT with temporary nonexclusive access to portions of Hollywood North Beach Park for use as a staging area for the FDOT Construction. The Agreement provides that the licensed area shall be restored to its original condition upon completion of the FDOT Construction. The County can terminate the Agreement with or without cause. If the Agreement is terminated, FDOT must vacate the licensed area.


The term of the Agreement is December 1, 2024, to May 31, 2025, with a one-time extension option not to exceed six months.


The Revocable License Agreement has been reviewed and approved as to legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney.


Source of Additional Information

Lary S. Mahoney, Director, Real Property and Real Estate Development Division, Public Works Department, (954) 357-7357

Trevor M. A. Fisher, P.E., MBA, Director, Public Works Department, (954) 357-6410

Dan West, Director, Parks and Recreation Division, (954) 357-8106


Fiscal Impact

Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary

There is no fiscal impact to Broward County.