Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Lamar P. Fisher
Department: County Commission
Requested Action
MOTION TO DIRECT County Administrator to communicate with the Broward County Clerk of Courts to gauge her interest in developing a proposed program, for the Board's subsequent consideration, to provide supplemental compensation to jurors serving on felony trials greater than five days in length. (Commissioner Fisher)
Why Action is Necessary
Board direction is required for the County Administrator to discuss, coordinate, and collaborate with the Broward County Clerk of Courts to develop a new program for the Board's later consideration.
What Action Accomplishes
Provides the required direction to the County Administrator.
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Summary Explanation/Background
One of the foundational principles of our criminal justice system is entitlement to a jury of one's peers. To that end, it is imperative that our jury pools in Broward County more fully reflect our community.
Chief Judge Jack Tuter has indicated that intervention may be needed to ensure the pool of potential jurors for longer felony criminal trials reflects a better cross section of Broward County residents. A December 2023 study from the Conference of State Court Administrators indicates that many potential jurors are less than candid when seeking to be released from jury duty and that 48% of those did so because of the financial hardship associated with jury service.
Pursuant to Section 40.24, Florida Statutes, jurors are compensated by the Clerk's Office beyond their fifth day at a rate of only $30 per day of service. Florida law does not prohibit providing supplemental compensation to jurors for their service.
According to the 2023 Q3 Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average weekly wage of a Broward County resident was $1,269.00 per week (or $254 per day). C...
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