File #: 25-215   
Status: Agenda Ready
In control: County Commission
Agenda Date: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: MOTION TO DIRECT County Attorney's Office to draft an Interlocal Agreement ("ILA") with the City of Fort Lauderdale ("City") regarding the establishment of an anchoring limitation area in Lake Sylvan (a/k/a Lake Sylvia) and, if the ILA is subsequently approved and executed by both the City and the County, to draft an Ordinance designating said anchoring limitation area; and to authorize the County Administrator or written designee to give required notice to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ("FWCC") and apply for relevant permits from the FWCC, subject to the receipt of the City's full support regarding the permit application. (Commissioner Fisher)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Map of Navigable-In-Fact Waterways East of Fixed Bridges within Broward County
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Lamar P. Fisher
Department: County Commission

Requested Action
MOTION TO DIRECT County Attorney's Office to draft an Interlocal Agreement ("ILA") with the City of Fort Lauderdale ("City") regarding the establishment of an anchoring limitation area in Lake Sylvan (a/k/a Lake Sylvia) and, if the ILA is subsequently approved and executed by both the City and the County, to draft an Ordinance designating said anchoring limitation area; and to authorize the County Administrator or written designee to give required notice to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ("FWCC") and apply for relevant permits from the FWCC, subject to the receipt of the City's full support regarding the permit application. (Commissioner Fisher)

Why Action is Necessary
Direction by the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") is required for the County Attorney's Office to draft an Ordinance amending the Broward County Code of Ordinances.

What Action Accomplishes
Provides the required direction to the County Attorney's Office and authorizes the County Administrator or written designee to provide required notice to, and apply for relevant permits from, the FWCC.

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Previous Action Taken

Summary Explanation/Background
In 2021 the Florida Legislature passed a bill amending Section 327.4108, Florida Statutes, which allows the County to establish anchoring limitation areas adjacent to urban areas that have residential docking facilities and significant recreational boating traffic. Under Florida law, the aggregate total of anchoring limitation areas in the County may not exceed 10% of the County's navigable-in-fact waterways.

The City of Fort Lauderdale ("City") has requested that the County designate an approximately 7.75-acre portion of Lake Sylvan (a/k/a Lake Sylvia) as an anchoring limitation area. Prior to establ...

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