Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Mark D. Bogen
Department: County Commission
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO ADOPT Resolution No. 2021-336 waiving Section 18.43(c) of the Broward County Administrative Code ("Administrative Code") in order to consider naming the complex trial and ceremonial courtroom on the 17th floor of the Broward County Judicial Complex, located at 201 SE Sixth Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 ("County Courtroom"), in honor of 17th Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Jack B. Tuter, Jr. ("Judge Tuter").
ACTION: (T-12:17 PM) The Board approved bifurcation of Part A of this item. (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)
VOTE: 8-1. Commissioner Bogen dissented.
ACTION: (T-12:25 PM) Following discussion and without objection, the Board deferred this item until the next Commission Meeting. (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)
B. MOTION TO NOTE FOR THE RECORD that the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") will consider the approval of a Resolution naming the County Courtroom in honor of Judge Tuter at the meeting of the Board on Tuesday, August 17, 2021.
ACTION: (T-12:25 PM) Following discussion and without objection, the Board deferred this item until the next Commission Meeting. (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)
C. MOTION TO DIRECT County Administrator to solicit the input of at least three local municipalities, homeowners' associations, or other appropriate community groups regarding the Board's proposal to name the County Courtroom in honor of Judge Tuter, as required under Section 18.43(i) of the Administrative Code. (Commissioner Bogen)
ACTION: (T-12:25 PM) Following discussion and without objection, the Board deferred this item until the next Commission Meeting. (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)
Why Action is Necessary
Motion A is necessary to waive the Administrative Code provision that would otherwise prohibit the naming of property, facilities, or buil...
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