Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Mark Gale
Department: Aviation Division: Finance
Requested Action
MOTION TO APPROVE Public Transportation Grant Agreement between Broward County and the State of Florida Department of Transportation for Financial Project No. 449603-1-94-01, to fund up to $49,737 for the construction of the Taxiway M Pavement Rehabilitation project at Broward County's North Perry Airport, authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Public Transportation Grant Agreement; and authorizing the County Administrator to take any necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the Public Transportation Grant Agreement.
Why Action is Necessary
Broward County Board of County Commissioners ("Board") approval is required for the execution of this Public Transportation Grant Agreement ("PTGA").
What Action Accomplishes
Allows the Broward County Aviation Department ("BCAD") to accept grant funding from the State of Florida Department of Transportation ("FDOT") for the construction of the Taxiway M Pavement Rehabilitation project ("Project") at Broward County's North Perry Airport ("HWO").
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Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
This action allows BCAD to accept grant funding from FDOT for the construction of the Project at HWO.
Taxiway M is parallel to and north of Runway 10R-28L at HWO and is approximately 35 feet wide by 3,250 feet long. The Project will rehabilitate the taxiway and re-align taxiway connectors M1 and M3 to meet current Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") design criteria as recommended in the Airport Layout Plan. Based on the 2022 FDOT Statewide Airfield Pavement Management Program ("SAPMP"), the Pavement Condition Index ("PCI") for Taxiway M is 63 (Fair). The minimum PCI service level for taxiways is 70, the...
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