Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Norman Foster
Department: Office of Management and Budget
Requested Action
MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution No. 2021-322 transferring $5,000,000 within the Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) Workers' Compensation Fund from the reserve to BSO Administration for workers' compensation claims.
Why Action is Necessary
Transferring funds from reserves requires approval of the Board of County Commissioners.
What Action Accomplishes
Transfers $5,000,000 from the BSO Workers' Compensation Fund reserve to BSO Administration to settle workers' compensation claims.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
The Board of County Commissioners adopted budget Resolution No. 2020-644 on November 10, 2020, which transferred $2,000,000 from the BSO Workers' Compensation Fund reserve to BSO Administration to cover increased claims due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, $1,526,654.18 in Fiscal Year 2020 BSO Workers' Compensation Fund expenses were moved from that fund to the County's non-federal CARES Act Fund.
Summary Explanation/Background
This motion seeks approval to transfer $5,000,000 from the BSO Workers' Compensation Fund reserve to BSO Administration to cover increased claims due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fiscal Year 2021 operating budget, as amended y budget Resolution No. 2020-644, includes $16,435,565 for BSO workers' compensation claims. If approved, this transfer would bring BSO's total Fiscal Year 2021 budget for workers' compensation claims to $21,435,565.
BSO has administered a workers' compensation program for its employees since October 1, 2012. Prior to that date, BSO employees were included in the County's workers' compensation program. The County provides funding to BSO for its workers' compensation program through its annual budget. As provided in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which transferred authority for a workers' compensation p...
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