File #: 21-1102   
Status: Agenda Ready
In control: County Auditor
Agenda Date: 6/15/2021 Final action: 6/15/2021
Title: MOTION TO APPROVE agreement between Broward County and Monica Cepero for Cepero's employment as the County Administrator for Broward County.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Copy of Agreement for Employment of County Administrator
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting                               

Director's Name:                     Bob Melton 

Department:                                           County Auditor 



Requested Action


MOTION TO APPROVE agreement between Broward County and Monica Cepero for Cepero’s employment as the County Administrator for Broward County.



Why Action is Necessary

Board approval is required for the County to enter into this agreement.


What Action Accomplishes

Approves the agreement to retain Ms. Cepero as County Administrator for Broward County.


Is this Action Goal Related



Previous Action Taken



Summary Explanation/Background

On May 4, 2021, the Board voted to appoint Monica Cepero as Broward County Administrator effective March 1, 2022, subject to negotiation of an employment agreement.  The Board directed the County Auditor to negotiate the terms of that agreement on behalf of the County.


The agreement provides an initial base salary of $368,892 (the salary of the current County Administrator), and provides additional, customary senior employee benefits.  The agreement grants each party the right to terminate without cause (with a severance payment required if the County terminates without cause, and at least 90 days advance notice required if Ms. Cepero terminates without cause). The agreement provides for minimum annual increases equal to those received by unrepresented employees (as a class).


Source of Additional Information



Fiscal Impact

Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary

Funding for salary and benefits for the County Administrator will be included in the FY22 proposed budget.