Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Monica Cepero
Department: County Administration
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO APPROVE Second Amended and Restated Operating Agreement by and among Broward County, Arena Operating Company, Ltd., Florida Panthers Hockey Club, Ltd., and Sunrise Sports & Entertainment, LLC, for the Broward County Civic Arena, concerning the management, operation, and future development of the Arena, with an initial term commencing retroactively on July 1, 2024, and expiring on June 30, 2033, with two additional optional extension terms of five years each at the sole discretion of the County; and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute same.
(Commissioner Rich pulled this item from the Consent Agenda.)
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration of Motions A and B as part of Item 25 is based on Substitute Exhibits 1 and 2 distributed as Additional Material by the County Attorney's Office.)
ACTION: (T-10:46 AM) Approved as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material 25(1) and 25(2), dated February 11, 2025, submitted at the request of Office of the County Attorney. (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)
VOTE: 9-0.
B. MOTION TO APPROVE Second Amended and Restated License Agreement by and among Broward County, Florida, Florida Panthers Hockey Club, Ltd., and Arena Operating Company, Ltd, with an initial term commencing retroactively on July 1, 2024, and expiring on June 30, 2033, subject to two additional optional extension terms; and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute same.
(Commissioner Rich pulled this item from the Consent Agenda.)
(Per the Tuesday Agenda Memorandum, the Board's consideration of Motions A and B as part of Item 25 is based on Substitute Exhibits 1 and 2 distributed as Additional Material by the County Attorney's Office.)
ACTION: (T-10:46 AM) Approved as amended with Regular Meeting Additional Material 25(1) and 25(2), dated February 11, ...
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