Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Trevor M. A. Fisher
Department: Public Works Division: Real Property and Real Estate Development
Requested Action
MOTION TO AUTHORIZE County Administrator, for a limited time period through April 16, 2025, to submit offers, counteroffers, bids, and proposals to acquire real property for a future government purpose if the County Administrator determines (1) that timing or other material circumstances reasonably prevent or preclude prior consultation with or consideration by the Board; (2) that the amount the County would be obligated to pay under the applicable offer, counteroffer, bid, or proposal is at or below the County Administrator's determination of fair market value for the property to be acquired; and (3) that adequate and appropriate funding sources are available to consummate such transaction; including the authority to execute letters of intent, memorandums of understanding, and purchase agreements relating thereto, subject to approval as to legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney of all documents that would bind the County to such acquisition without requiring formal approval or ratification by the Board, and subject to the County Administrator promptly reporting to the Board any action taken pursuant to this delegation; and authorizing the County Administrator to take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions, including transfers of funds from reserves and conducting required due diligence, related thereto.
Why Action is Necessary
Board of County Commissioners' approval is required to delegate the referenced authority to the County Administrator.
What Action Accomplishes
Authorizes the County Administrator to take the referenced actions for the specified time period.
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Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
The County has a growing need to acqui...
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