Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Monica Cepero
Department: County Administration Division: Intergovernmental Affairs/Board Section
Requested Action
MOTION TO APPOINT Joshauwa L. Brown to the Central County Community Advisory Board.
Why Action is Necessary
The Board must approve appointments and reappointments to advisory boards.
What Action Accomplishes
Appoints Joshauwa L. Brown to the Central County Community Advisory Board.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
The Central County Community Advisory Board ("CCCAB") represents the four neighborhoods that comprise the Central County Community: Boulevard Gardens, Franklin Park, Washington Park, and Roosevelt Gardens.
The CCCAB has a total of eight members. Each president of the recognized neighborhood associations (four) from each neighborhood and one resident of each of the four neighborhoods.
Joshauwa L. Brown applied to fill one of the vacant seats on the board. Mr. Brown is a resident of Washington Park.
Source of Additional Information
C. Marty Cassini, Manager, Intergovernmental Affairs/Boards Section, (954) 357-7575
Naomie Labaty, Boards Administrator, Intergovernmental Affairs/Boards Section, (954) 357-5934
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary