Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Chris Walton
Department: Transportation
Requested Action
MOTION TO APPROVE First Amendment with Limousines of South Florida, Inc., for Public Transportation Services, Bid No. V2113790B1, subject to review for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney, to reflect $34,281 increase in costs due to Living Wage requirements, changes due to vehicle equipment and fueling mechanisms by the addition of Propane fueled vehicles, a one-time payment for fuel in the amount of $83,897, increasing the total contract threshold amount from $4,065,310 to $4,183,488. The term of this agreement is through August 21, 2022.
Why Action is Necessary
Board approval is required to amend this agreement.
What Action Accomplishes
Amends agreement for the provision of alternative fixed-route transportation services to reflect increase in costs due to Living Wage requirements ($34,281), changes to vehicles and fueling mechanisms and a one-time fuel payment of $83,897 for a total contract threshold increase of $118,178.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
August 22, 2017, Item No. 57
Summary Explanation/Background
This item supports the Board's Values of "Cooperatively delivering an efficient and accessible regional intermodal transportation network."
Staff is requesting approval First Amendment with Limousines of South Florida, Inc. (LSF), for Public Transportation Services, Bid No. V2113790B1, to reflect $34,281 increase in costs due to Living Wage requirements, changes due to vehicle equipment and fueling mechanisms by the addition of Propane fueled vehicles, a one-time payment for fuel in the amount of $83,897, increasing the total contract threshold amount from $4,065,310 to $4,183,488.
As background, on August 27, 2017, item No. 57, the Board awarded an open-end contract to low ...
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