Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Sandy-Michael McDonald
Department: Economic and Small Business Development
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO APPROVE additional funding not to exceed $57,000 for the Sims-Morgan/Room2Grow Academy, Inc., project as a part of the Broward Municipal Services District (BMSD) Economic Development Program; and authorize the County Administrator to execute all documents necessary to effectuate same, subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney.
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved.
VOTE: 9-0.
B. MOTION TO APPROVE additional funding not to exceed $7,000 for the Alverine Brihm/WAL BRI, LLC, project as a part of the BMSD Economic Development Program and to authorize the County Administrator to execute all documents necessary to effectuate same, subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney. (Commission District 8)
ACTION: (T-11:08 AM) Approved.
VOTE: 9-0.
Why Action is Necessary
Broward County Board of County Commissioners (Board) approval is required to approve the referenced funding and to authorize the County Administrator to execute documents to effectuate same.
What Action Accomplishes
Approves funding in the referenced amounts through the BMSD Economic Development Program and authorizes the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents, subject to legal review, to effectuate same.
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Previous Action Taken
On September 15, 2016, the Board approved the Broward Municipal Services District (BMSD) Economic Development Program (Item No. 77) to revitalize the commercial corridors of the BMSD.
On March 28, 2017, the Board approved two pilot projects, Arkim Sims-Morgan/Room2Grow Academy, Inc. and Alverine Brihm/WAL BRI, LLC for participation in the BMSD Economic Development Program (Item No. 48). On June 13, 2023, the Bo...
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