Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Andrew J. Meyers
Department: County Attorney
Requested Action
MOTION TO AUTHORIZE County Administrator to approve and execute a settlement agreement with the State of Florida in the amount of $111,623 paid to Broward County ("County"), subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney's Office, to resolve claims for unpaid invoices for goods and services provided to the State by the Fleet Services Division for the period of July 1, 2023, through November 30, 2023.
Why Action is Necessary
Board approval is required to approve settlements in excess of $50,000, pursuant to Section 1-51.3(h)(1) of the Broward County Code of Ordinances ("Code").
What Action Accomplishes
Authorizes the County Administrator to approve and execute the referenced settlement agreement.
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Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
Pursuant to a series of annual agreements between the County and the State, through the State Department of Health, the State was to provide the County with health service vehicles at no cost, and the County would provide fuel, insurance, maintenance and repair services, accident repairs, towing, tolls, car wash services, and other related goods and services ("Goods and Services"). The costs incurred by the County for the Goods and Services were reimbursed by the State without issue until July 2023. However, for the period commencing on July 1, 2023, and continuing through November 30, 2023, the State rejected the invoices from the County for Goods and Services.
The State has agreed to reimburse the County for the Goods and Services for the relevant period in the full amount due, which is $111,623, subject to the County entering into the settlement agreement in full resolution of the matter.
Pursuant to Section 1-51.3(h)(1) of the Code, the Board must approve ...
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