Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Leonard Vialpando
Department: Resilient Environment Division: Natural Resources Division
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO APPROVE Grant Agreement No. 4600005129 between Broward County and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) providing cost-share funding for water conservation investments as part of the Broward NatureScape Irrigation Service Program, and reimbursing Broward County for rebates issued to aid residential irrigation system improvements, for the period from October 1, 2023, to May 31, 2026, with a grant value of $26,250 and matching cost share amount of $26,250 for a total project amount of $52,500; authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the same; authorize the County Administrator to execute amendments to the Grant Agreement, subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney, that do not impose additional financial obligations on the County; and authorize the County Administrator to take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the Grant Agreement.
B. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution in the amount of $52,500 within the Natural Resources Division's State Grants Fund to appropriate the $26,250 SFWMD grant, matching the $26,250 cost share amount, for the purpose of reimbursing Broward County for rebates issued through the NatureScape Irrigation Service.
Why Action is Necessary
Motion A. In accordance with Broward County Administrative Code 20.31, action by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners is necessary to execute the Grant Agreement and delegate authority to the County Administrator.
Motion B. County Commission approval is necessary to receive and appropriate grant funds and unanticipated revenues.
What Action Accomplishes
Motion A. This action allows the County to receive grant funds, inclusive of the retroactive reimbursement period, to support imple...
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