Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Andrew J. Meyers
Department: County Attorney
Requested Action
MOTION TO APPROVE settlement, including costs and attorneys’ fees, in the case titled Carmen S. Guerrero Zambrano, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Nestor Sivada vs. Broward County, 17th Judicial Circuit Court Case No. CACE22-011496 (02).
Why Action is Necessary
Board approval is necessary to resolve this pending lawsuit.
What Action Accomplishes
Settlement of pending litigation.
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Summary Explanation/Background
This matter is a wrongful death action. The complaint alleges that on November 18, 2021, a Broward County bus operator negligently and carelessly struck and killed Nestor Sivada while Nestor Sivada was riding his bicycle in a designated crosswalk at the intersection of Broward Boulevard and NW 84th Avenue.
The personal representative has agreed to release Broward County from all estate and individual claims arising from the incident in exchange for $275,000, inclusive of costs and attorneys’ fees, subject to Board approval. The current sovereign immunity damages cap for this matter is $300,000.
The Risk Management Division and the Transit Division recommend approval of this settlement.
Source of Additional Information
Robert D. Yates, Senior Assistant County Attorney, 954-357-7600
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
The source of funds is the County’s general liability self-insurance fund. Agencies of the County pay annual premiums into the fund based upon the number of their employees and five-year claims history.