File #: 24-1392   
Status: Agenda Ready
Agenda Date: 1/28/2025 Final action:
Title: A. MOTION TO APPROVE sole source sole brand designation to provide Teledyne FLIR ITS thermal vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle presence sensor detection equipment, trade-ins, and repairs, from Control Technologies, Inc., for the Traffic Engineering Division and various other Broward County agencies that may have a need for these products. B. MOTION TO AWARD open-end contract to sole source, Control Technologies, Inc., for FLIR ITS Thermal Vehicle and Bicycle Video Detection Equipment and Repairs, Quotation No. OPN2128472Q1, for the Traffic Engineering Division, in the one-year estimated amount of $1,470,318, including pass-thru allowances of $27,880, and authorize the Director of Purchasing to renew the contract for four one-year periods, for a five-year potential estimated amount of $7,351,590.
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - Sole Source Sole Brand Request dated March 14, 2024, 2. Exhibit 2 - Bid Tabulation, 3. Exhibit 3 - OESBD Goal Memorandum dated April 02, 2024, 4. Exhibit 4 - User Concurrence Memorandum signed September 16, 2024, 5. Exhibit 5 - Price Analysis
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: George Tablack
Department: Finance and Administrative Services Division: Purchasing

Requested Action
A. MOTION TO APPROVE sole source sole brand designation to provide Teledyne FLIR ITS thermal vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle presence sensor detection equipment, trade-ins, and repairs, from Control Technologies, Inc., for the Traffic Engineering Division and various other Broward County agencies that may have a need for these products.

B. MOTION TO AWARD open-end contract to sole source, Control Technologies, Inc., for FLIR ITS Thermal Vehicle and Bicycle Video Detection Equipment and Repairs, Quotation No. OPN2128472Q1, for the Traffic Engineering Division, in the one-year estimated amount of $1,470,318, including pass-thru allowances of $27,880, and authorize the Director of Purchasing to renew the contract for four one-year periods, for a five-year potential estimated amount of $7,351,590.

Why Action is Necessary
MOTION A: In accordance with Broward County Procurement Code Section 21.25(a), Sole Source Procurement, and Section 21.26(a), Sole Brand Procurement, non-standardized Sole Source Sole Brand procurements above the award authority of the Director of Purchasing must be approved by the Board.

MOTION B: In accordance with Broward County Procurement Code Section 21.47, Award and Execution Authority, the Board shall make all awards, and authorize the execution of the associated contracts, with a value of more than $500,000, inclusive of the value of any renewals or extensions provided for in the contract.

What Action Accomplishes
Motion A. Designates Control Technologies, Inc. as the sole source to provide Teledyne FLIR ITS thermal vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle presence sensor detection equipment for the Traffic Engineering Division.

Motion B. Provides for an open-end contract for video detection equipment and repairs for the Traffic Engineering Divisio...

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