Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Tara Williams
Department: Human Services Division: Elderly & Veterans Services
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO APPROVE Contract JA125-15-2025 between Areawide Council on Aging of Broward County, Inc. ("Council") and Broward County, in a total amount not to exceed $36,518 to the County, effective January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, to provide caregiver training and support services to eligible Broward County residents; authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute same; authorize the County Administrator to execute amendments to the Contract, subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney, that do not impose any additional financial obligations on the County; and authorize the County Administrator to take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the Contract.
(Commissioner Rich pulled this item from the Consent Agenda.)
(Item Numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 were heard and voted on concurrently.)
ACTION: (T-11:04 AM) Approved. (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)
VOTE: 8-0. Vice-Mayor Bogen voted in the affirmative telephonically. Commissioner Rich abstained from voting.
B. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution within the Older Americans Act Title IIIE Fund to appropriate revenue in the amount of $36,518 for caregiver training and support services to eligible residents, of which $32,866 are grant funds and $3,652 are the Council's match dollars.
(Commissioner Rich pulled this item from the Consent Agenda.)
(Item Numbers 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 were heard and voted on concurrently.)
ACTION: (T-11:04 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2024-522. (Refer to minutes for full discussion.)
VOTE: 8-0. Vice-Mayor Bogen voted in the affirmative telephonically. Commissioner Rich abstained from voting.
Why Action is Necessary
A. Broward County Board of County Commissioners ("Commission") approval is required...
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