Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Norman Foster
Department: Office of Management and Budget
Requested Action
MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution retroactively transferring funds within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) for the Broward Sheriff's Office in the amount of $2,027 for the court-ordered return of certain funds previously confiscated and deposited into the LETF in a prior Fiscal Year.
Why Action is Necessary
Florida Statutes 932.7055(5)(a) requires that proceeds from the disposition of liens and forfeited property obtained from criminal procedure and corrections be deposited in a special law enforcement trust fund to be used for law enforcement purposes. Recommendation of the Sheriff and Board approval are required to appropriate LETF funds.
Additionally, by Court Order $2,027 previously confiscated and deposited into the LETF must be returned to the Claimant pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 932.704.
What Action Accomplishes
Provides retroactive LETF funding in the amount of $2,027 for the court-ordered return of certain funds previously confiscated.
Goal Related Icon(s)
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Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
In BS90-2205-001900 (CACE NO. 22-008850), the Claimant filed a Motion to Vacate the Default and Court vacated the Final Judgement on October 13, 2023. The Broward Sheriff's Office settled the matter and agreed to return $2,027 to the Claimant. The funds will be returned to the Claimant pursuant to the authority provided in Florida Statutes Section 932.704.
Source of Additional Information
Norman Foster, Director, Office of Management and Budget, (954) 357-6346
Colonel Oscar Llerena, BSO Department of Administration, (954) 831-8180
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary
Funds are available within the Law Enforcement Trust Fund for this action. According to BSO, the current balance of the LETF, as of September...
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