Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Dale V.C. Holness
Department: County Commission
Requested Action
MOTION TO DIRECT County staff to support the African American Research Library & Cultural Center's (AARLCC's) 20th anniversary celebration including countywide programming related to the AARLCC's mission. (Commissioner Holness)
Why Action is Necessary
Approval by the Board of County Commissioners ("Board") is required to direct staff to support AARLCC's 20th anniversary.
What Action Accomplishes
Directs County staff to support AARLCC's 20th anniversary
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
This agenda item is goal oriented. The Broward County Board of County Commissioners envisions "A sustainable system of world-class intermodal transportation, infrastructure, quality human services, public safety, affordable housing, recreation, arts and culture, complementing and balancing our natural resources and environment." This item supports the Commission Value "Cultivating community culture, arts, recreation and life-long learning" and the Commission Goals to "Provide diverse artistic, cultural, educational, and historical amenities and programs that contribute to a vibrant, multi-cultural and economically-viable community, including an annual signature event" and "Improve access to business development, educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities and amenities to the economically disadvantaged."
The African American Research Library & Cultural Center is a place where all Americans can learn about the richness and diversity of the African American experience, what it means to their lives, and how it helped us shape this nation. Samuel F. Morrison, the former Director of the Broward County Libraries Division, wanted to build a library by and about African Americans for the Broward community and the world at large. Not just any library, but a s...
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