File #: 25-218   
Status: Agenda Ready
Agenda Date: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: MOTION TO APPROVE Third Amendment to the Agreement between Wheelabrator Environmental Systems Inc. ("Wheelabrator"), and Broward County, Florida for Solid Waste Disposal Support Services, dated June 26, 2012, as amended on May 19, 2015, and July 2, 2018 (collectively, the "Agreement"); and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute same.
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Trevor M. A. Fisher
Department: Public Works Division: Solid Waste & Recycling

Requested Action
MOTION TO APPROVE Third Amendment to the Agreement between Wheelabrator Environmental Systems Inc. ("Wheelabrator"), and Broward County, Florida for Solid Waste Disposal Support Services, dated June 26, 2012, as amended on May 19, 2015, and July 2, 2018 (collectively, the "Agreement"); and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute same.

Why Action is Necessary
Board approval is required to approve the Third Amendment to the Agreement.

What Action Accomplishes
Approves the Third Amendment to the Agreement.

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Previous Action Taken
December 7, 2021 (Item No. 87)
December 14, 2021 (Item No. 63)

Summary Explanation/Background
In June 2012, the County entered into an agreement with Wheelabrator Environmental Systems Inc. ("Wheelabrator"), to provide for the disposal of solid waste generated in Broward County ("Original Agreement").

In May 2015, Wheelabrator and the County amended the Original Agreement through a Global Amendment. The Global Amendment, among other things, provided the County a unilateral right to renew the Agreement for a five-year term starting on July 3, 2023 (the "Second Renewal Term"), which renewal right was exercised in 2021. The Board action that resulted in the exercise of that right also authorized the County Administrator to negotiate a potential further amendment to the Agreement that would provide, among other things, a longer potential term.

County Administration, in coordination with the County Attorney's Office, has negotiated a third amendment to the Agreement ("Third Amendment") that includes the following material terms:

1. Disposal fees. The Third Amendment addresses the fees to be paid for residential waste, commercial waste, yard and bulky waste, and construction and demoli...

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