Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Hazelle P. Rogers
Department: County Commission
Requested Action
MOTION TO ACCEPT Broward Housing Council 2022 Annual Report. (Commissioner Rogers)
Why Action is Necessary
Section 11.06 of the Broward County Charter states that the Broward Housing Council shall submit an annual report to the County Commission.
What Action Accomplishes
Accepts the 2022 Annual Report of the Broward Housing Council.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
Summary Explanation/Background
This motion supports the following Commission Value: “Building partnerships and working collaboratively with others to meet shared objectives”, and the Commission goal:
“Ensuring residents have an affordable place to live by offering sustainable, compatible, innovative, accessible, affordable housing options for all income levels, including integrated, permanent supportive housing and zoning that helps residents build equity.”
Section 11.06 of the Broward County Charter provides that the Broward Housing Council will submit an annual report to the County Commission. This agenda item, if approved, would accept the 2022 Annual Report.
Source of Additional Information
Dwight Hinkson, Executive Administrator, 954-357-7009
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal Impact/Cost Summary