Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: George Tablack
Department: Finance and Administrative Services Division: Purchasing
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO APPROVE open-end contract with Cheney Bros., Inc., dba Cheney Brothers, Inc., subject to execution of the applicable Participating Addendum per Motion B, under the Martin County, Florida, Contract No. RFB2022-3382, for the purchase of food, food service supplies, and cleaning products for the Broward Addiction Recovery Division, in the estimated amount of $560,000 for the remainder of the initial term ending February 22, 2025, and authorize the Director of Purchasing to renew the open-end contract, as renewed by Martin County, Florida, for two additional one-year periods, for a potential two-year and three-month term ending February 22, 2027, for an estimated total amount of $1,680,000.
ACTION: (T-10:46 AM) Approved.
VOTE: 9-0.
B. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE Director of Purchasing to negotiate, approve, and execute an appropriate Participating Addendum between Broward County and Cheney Bros., Inc., dba Cheney Brothers, Inc., in substantially the same form attached as Exhibit 1, subject to review and approval for legal sufficiency of the Participating Addendum by the County Attorney's Office.
ACTION: (T-10:46 AM) Approved.
VOTE: 9-0.
Why Action is Necessary
For both Motions A and B, in accordance with Broward County Procurement Code Section 21.47, Award and Execution Authority, Board approval is required for awards with a value of more than $500,000, inclusive of the value of any renewals or extensions provided for in the contract.
What Action Accomplishes
Authorizes the Director of Purchasing to purchase on an as-needed basis from the open-end contract awarded to Cheney Bros., Inc., dba Cheney Brothers, Inc., under the competitively procured Martin County, Florida, Contract No. RFB2022-3382, for the purchase of food, food service supplies, and cleaning pr...
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