Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Coree Cuff Lonergan
Department: Transportation
Requested Action
MOTION TO NOTE FOR THE RECORD certifications, disclosures, and documentation by the Broward County Transportation Department ("BCT") required by House Bill 1301 (2024) regarding budgeted and general administrative costs, salaried executive management-level employee compensation, ridership performance and metrics, and gifts accepted in exchange for contracts and to certify that Broward County Transit's ratio of administrative costs to operating costs of 16.42% falls below the Tier 1 state average of 24.05% based on the most recent closed out National Transit Database (NTD) Fiscal Year 2023 data.
Why Action is Necessary
HB 1301 (2024) requires that beginning November 1, 2024, and annually thereafter, each public transit provider, during a publicly noticed meeting, certify that its budgeted and general administrative costs are no greater than 20% above the state average for a Tier 1 provider (owns, operates or manages 101 or more transit vehicles during peak service) based on the most recent closed out NTD data.
What Action Accomplishes
Provides information regarding changes to Chapter 341, Florida Statutes, resulting from HB1301 (2024) and certifies that BCT's ratio of administrative costs to operating costs are no greater than 20% above the state average for a Tier 1 Transit provider. BCT's ratio is 16.42% and is below the state average of 24.05% for NTD Fiscal Year 2023.
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Summary Explanation/Background
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) provides Broward County, as a public agency providing public transit service, annual funding (Block Grant) in the form of a Public Transit Grant Agreement (PTGA), pursuant to Chapter 341, Flor...
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