Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Bertha Henry
Department: County Administration Division: Cultural Division
Requested Action
MOTION TO AUTHORIZE modifications to the existing Cultural Division ("Division") municipal public art administration program to allow the Division to retain consultants and outside contractors to assist with the development and administration of public art programs for Broward County municipalities in exchange for a negotiated fee in an amount equal to or greater than the costs to be incurred by County, and to authorize the County Administrator to approve and execute agreements between the County and such consultants and outside contractors, subject to the Broward County Procurement Code and in a form to be reviewed and approved for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney
Why Action is Necessary
The Board must approve material modifications to the previously approved Cultural Division municipal public art administration program.
What Action Accomplishes
This action will allow the Cultural Division to retain consultants and outside contractors to assist Cultural Division staff with the development and administration of municipal public art programs.
Is this Action Goal Related
Previous Action Taken
March 31, 2020 (Item No. 38)
Summary Explanation/Background
This item supports the Board's value of cultivating community culture, arts, recreation, and life-long learning and goals relating to providing diverse artistic, cultural, educational, and historical amenities and programs that contribute to a vibrant, multi-cultural, and economically viable community.
On March 31, 2020 (Item No. 38), the Board authorized the Cultural Division ("Division") to create a program under which Division staff will provide administration of public art programs for Broward County municipalities in exchange ...
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