File #: 21-1021   
Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Human Services - Community Partnerships Division
Agenda Date: 6/15/2021 Final action: 6/15/2021
Title: A. MOTION TO ADOPT Resolution No. 2021-319 of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida, authorizing appropriation and disbursement of Florida Department of Children and Families ("DCF"), Fiscal Year 2021-2022 grant funds in the estimated amount of $2,865,920 to specified service providers for the provision of services to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 among persons experiencing homelessness in Broward County, and for administrative services; authorizing the County Administrator to execute the DCF grant agreement and the appropriate agreements with specified service providers, subject to review for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney, and take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the agreements; and providing for severability and an effective date. ACTION: (T-11:41 AM) Approved. VOTE: 9-0. B. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution No. 2021-320 in the Unified Homeless Grant fund in the amount of $2,865,920 for...
Indexes: Established Commission Goals
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 1 - DCF ESG COVID Resolution and Attachment A.5pgs, 2. Exhibit 2 - DCF Budget Resolution.1pg, 3. Exhibit 3 - Scopes of Service 2020_2021.1pg, 4. Exhibit 4 - Conflict Waivers.12pgs
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Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Keith D. Bostick (Deputy Director)
Department: Human Services Division: Community Partnerships

Requested Action
A. MOTION TO ADOPT Resolution No. 2021-319 of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida, authorizing appropriation and disbursement of Florida Department of Children and Families ("DCF"), Fiscal Year 2021-2022 grant funds in the estimated amount of $2,865,920 to specified service providers for the provision of services to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 among persons experiencing homelessness in Broward County, and for administrative services; authorizing the County Administrator to execute the DCF grant agreement and the appropriate agreements with specified service providers, subject to review for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney, and take all necessary administrative and budgetary actions to implement the agreements; and providing for severability and an effective date.

ACTION: (T-11:41 AM) Approved.

VOTE: 9-0.

B. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution No. 2021-320 in the Unified Homeless Grant fund in the amount of $2,865,920 for the provision of services to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 among persons experiencing homelessness in Broward County, in addition to administrative services, for July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

ACTION: (T-11:41 AM) Approved.

VOTE: 9-0.

C. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE County Administrator to execute Amendments to (i) Agreement No. 19-CP-HIP-8470-ESG-02 with Broward Partnership for the Homeless, Inc., (ii) Agreement No. 20-CP-HIP-8204-ESG-01 with The Salvation Army, and (iii) Agreement No. 20-CP-HIP-8219-01 with Women in Distress of Broward County, Inc., subject to review for legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney, to expand services to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 among persons experiencing homelessness in Broward County, effective r...

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