Broward County Commission Regular Meeting
Director's Name: Jonathan Daniels
Department: Port Everglades Division: Director's Office
Requested Action
A. MOTION TO APPROVE advance payment to Florida Power and Light ("FPL") in the amount of $495,000 for an engineering study to develop a preliminary design and detailed cost estimate for a new electrical substation and duct bank distribution facilities at Port Everglades to provide additional power distribution capacity to provide shore power to serve cruise ships at eight cruise terminals.
ACTION: (T-10:31 AM) Approved.
VOTE: 8-0. Commissioner Ryan voted in the affirmative telephonically. Commissioner Moskowitz was not present.
B. MOTION TO ADOPT budget Resolution within the Port's Operating Fund in the amount of $495,000 for the purpose of providing funding for design services associated with the construction of an electrical sub-station and power distribution facilities at Port Everglades.
ACTION: (T-10:31 AM) Approved Resolution No. 2022-091.
VOTE: 8-0. Commissioner Ryan voted in the affirmative telephonically. Commissioner Moskowitz was not present.
Why Action is Necessary
A. Broward County Board of County Commissioners ("Board") approval is required to make advance payment to FPL.
B. Board approval is required to transfer budget from reserves.
What Action Accomplishes
Provides the funding required to engage FPL to undertake engineering and design services and produce a preliminary design and detailed engineering cost estimate necessary to provide the electrical infrastructure needed to deliver shore power to cruise ships at eight terminals within Port Everglades.
Is this Action Goal Related
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Summary Explanation/Background
This action supports the Broward County Board of County Commissioners' ("Board") Value of "Ensuring economic opportunities for Broward's diverse population and...
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