through September 30, 2025), Exhibit 1, approved by HUD and to execute
any HUD Waivers; to revise funding allocations and/or project service
deliverables under the AAP for various grant Programs in accordance with
the Broward County Five-year Consolidated Plan ("CP"); and authorize
County Administrator to execute agreements, and/or reinstatements and
amendments to existing subrecipient agreements, subject to approval as to
legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney, and to take all
necessary administrative and budgetary actions for implementation of the
various grant Programs, including, but not limited to, the HUD grant
agreement(s), amendments to the HUD grant agreements, subrecipient
agreements, amendments, reinstatements, project/activity priorities and
budgetary changes in accordance with the CP and AAP, and interlocal
agreements for funding of the respective grant Programs, including any prior
year program income, subject to review and approval as to legal sufficiency
by the Office of the County Attorney (Exhibits 1 and 2).
ACTION: (T-11:03 AM) Approved.
VOTE: 8-0. Vice-Mayor Bogen was inaudible during the vote.
B. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE County Administrator to take all necessary
administrative and budgetary actions to appropriate and implement
unanticipated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) revenue funds
in the amount of $433,855 (which funds were identified in the amended AAP
and represents $101,770 from the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2022/2023
and the amended amount of $332,085 from the first through third quarters of
Fiscal Year 2023/2024), of which a maximum of 20% may be administrative
funds, based on the recommendations, and authorize County Administrator
to execute agreements, and/or amendments to existing subrecipient
agreements to allocate the funds, subject to approval as to legal sufficiency
by the Office of the County Attorney (Exhibit 1).
ACTION: (T-11:03 AM) Approved.
VOTE: 8-0. Vice-Mayor Bogen was inaudible during the vote.
C. MOTION TO AUTHORIZE County Administrator to take all necessary
administrative and budgetary actions to appropriate and implement
unanticipated Home Investment Partnerships Program Grant (HOME)
revenue funds in the amount of $992,336 (which funds were identified in the
Amended AAP and represent $80,470 from fourth quarter of Fiscal Year
2022/2023 and the amended amount of $911,866 from the first through third
quarters of Fiscal Year 2023/2024), of which a maximum of 10% may be
administrative funds, based on the recommendations, and authorize County
Administrator to execute agreements, and/or amendments to existing
subrecipient agreements to allocate the funds, subject to approval as to
legal sufficiency by the Office of the County Attorney (Exhibit 1).